Bring Your Dog To Work 2019 – Pictures that Will Melt Your Heart

Did You Have a Faithful Hound in Your Office on Friday?

Labrador at Desk
No Boss Im not on Facebook



Started six Years Ago as a Fundraser, look how its grown, Offices all over the world embraced the “Bring Your Dog To Work Day” Friday 21st July,

Malamute in Shirt and Tie
Im Sure It Was Dress Down Friday


Jo Amit was the lady behind the original idea.  Six years ago she moved offices and her faithful hound was no longer welcome at the new offices.

With an agreement from the management they allowed one day a year for the team to bring in their furry friends. Her brainwave was lets have this as a fundraser for Animal Welfare charities like “All Dogs Matter”

The idea being that business will embrace the idea, bring in the dogs on this one day and upload pictures to her website.


Dashaund hard at work
I am working like a dog Boss
French Bulldog in office
Silicone Valley joined in the fun with Dave the French Bulldog





Office in Prague
Advertising Agency in Prague thought Harold was a good foot rest

Genius Idea by a Dentist who regularly brings his dog to work to calm down

Dog at the Dentist
Dog at the Dentist

nervous patients






More and more offices and businesses are getting involved with this brilliant scheme and in fact we understand many more offices are allowing Dogs in on a regular basis. It is a long held belief that Dogs bring a calming influence into the work environment. I am a firm advocate of this, in fact I work in an environment which is far beyond the normal office place of work. On a daily basis our clients struggle with mental health issues and addiction It is challenging and often unsettling for them and what better way to sooth their soul than a therapy dog.  Her name is Isla, she is definitely a show girl.


Some Dogs take over the office and love the drama

Dalmation in office
Im in a meeting

More bosses and employers see the benefits of dogs in the office and if its just one day then make yours happen. It is often a surprise to people how well  received dogs are by all employees.

Peeping Boxer
Scared of the boss

There have been many studies which confirm the benefits of having dogs at work.  Sometimes work can be stressful, stroking and talking to a dog will lower the heart rate and blood pressure reduces, it’s similar to mindfulness techniques, it brings your right back to the here and now and bring clarity to an otherwise stressful situation. It encourages people to be sociable, wanting to walk the dog during breaks and who can resist a dog. Clearly the benefit to the dog is he is not at home alone, not getting bored and not longing for company.

St Bernard in the office
Lap Dog

Dogs by nature are sociable and coming into an office is a bit of theatre for them, they may be excited on the first visit but will soon settle down, if other dogs are in the office then even better.


Definitely that one


Bit of Risk assessment prior to a dogs arrival is easily managed, check the day before if anyone has allergies, or if they have a fear of dogs, yes some people don’t like dogs, mad I know. It can still be worked around with a bit of forethought.

Bring the puppy to work 2014

From a bosses perspective it is a huge benefit and will be appreciated by employees and dog owners alike. It is a win win all round

Corgi in the office
Bobby the Office corgi


French Bulldog in office
I’m so bored,

So get involved, you will love the benefits.

Do you have any Dogs at work pictures, share with us.


Labrador in office
Is it lunchtime yet?
bulldog on desk
Billy is the new bookend
Please no more online training….

Thank you for reading my blog



The images are from Bored Panda


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6 Replies to “Bring Your Dog To Work 2019 – Pictures that Will Melt Your Heart”

  1. I love the dog photos, and the humorous comments right underneath! I’ve never had a dog myself, but we once had one living with us for a week and we would always say how calming it was when he fell asleep near us. There was something about his presence that I cannot put in words! So yeah, I can definitely see how dogs help calming down patients.

    1. James,
      Thank you for commenting on my website, especially the “take your dogs to work” such a good idea to have a dog whilst you work, you often see builders with their Dogs in the vans.
      Sometimes Dogs can be naughty but often they are simply like having your own real life stress ball, stroking them and fussing them is good for the soul.

      1. I even read that once in a health journal! Apparently, petting a dog daily reduces the risk of a heart attack measurably. And I think dog owners are supposed to be healthier overall anyways. I can’t give any sources for this info, that’s just what I read / heard!

        1. Apparently that is true, in fact Therapy Dogs are used in situations for people who suffer with Mental Health the elderly and even children, the benefits are right there and then.
          You got to love them..

  2. Yes dogs at work make the day much easier, calmer, and friendlier. I am one who has taken her dog to work with her and also one who had to fight battles to keep her dog at work as well. I had to start leaving one dog at home just to protect him. Same happened to my mother; due to one person who didnt like dogs and couldnt let it go that there was a dog there. Thanks for writing the blog I loved the pictures they gave me a laugh to start my day. I agree with you if work was a little more family friendly the atmosphere and days would be as well. Great Job!!!

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